We want you to be the PTA President.
We want you to be the assistant coach of the kids soccer league.

We want you to…

None of these are bad things. They’re all good things.


I don’t have to tell most of you, “Stop selling meth!” (most of you)

But I mean, I don’t have to tell you to stop doing bad things, but I do need to tell you to stop doing good things.

You have choices between a series of really good things. I mean, I don’t think…some of you are going, “Gosh, I’d have more time to volunteer if I wasn’t out making meth in the Winnebago.”

You know.

I mean, you’re…you’re not doing that. You’re saying, “I’d have more time to volunteer for my kid’s baseball team if I wasn’t at church. I’d have more time to offer for the people that I work with if I wasn’t so busy…”

Ok. You’re being scattered.

The risk for you is that you say yes to everyone else and say no to yourself.

If you don’t say no, you’ll be burned out. And then how much good will you be for those people who are depending on you?
